document.charset = "utf-8"; if (typeof getElementById != "function") { var getElementById = function (id) { if (typeof(id) == "object") { return id; } if (document.getElementById(id)) { return document.getElementById(id); } else { throw new Error(id + " argument error, can not find \"" + id + "\" element"); } } } function getElCoordinate(e) { var t = e.offsetTop; var l = e.offsetLeft; var w = e.offsetWidth; var h = e.offsetHeight; while (e = e.offsetParent) { t += e.offsetTop; l += e.offsetLeft; } ; return { top:t, left:l, width:w, height:h, bottom:t + h, right:l + w } } var neverModules = window.neverModules || {}; neverModules.modules = neverModules.modules || {}; neverModules.modules.slider = function (cfg) { if ((typeof cfg) != "object") { cfg = {}; } this.targetId = cfg.targetId; this.hints = cfg.hints ? cfg.hints : ""; this.sliderCss = cfg.sliderCss ? cfg.sliderCss : ""; this.barCss = cfg.barCss ? cfg.barCss : ""; this.boxCss = cfg.boxCss ? cfg.boxCss : ""; this.min = cfg.min ? cfg.min : 0; this.max = cfg.max ? cfg.max : 100; this.bBox = cfg.bBox ? cfg.bBox : false; //add by tangzz 是否创建输入框 this.step = cfg.step ? (cfg.step > 0 ? cfg.step : 1) : 1; this.parent = cfg.parent ? cfg.parent : window; this.onstart = function () { }; this.onchange = function () { }; this.onend = function () { }; this._defaultInitializer.apply(this); } neverModules.modules.slider.prototype = { _defaultInitializer:function () { this._bar = null; this._slider = null; this._box = null; //用于显示和输入当前值的input对象 add by tangzz this._wrapper = null; this._target = this.parent.document.getElementById(this.targetId); if (this.min > this.max) { var x = this.min; this.min = this.max; this.max = x; } this._value = this.min; }, create:function () { this._createSlider(); }, dispose:function () { //virtual function }, createBar:function () { with (this) { //0.10 can not create mutilple bar //this interface is for next version //by never-online var _self = this; _bar = this.parent.document.createElement("DIV"); _wrapper.appendChild(_bar); _bar.title = hints; = targetId + "_bar"; _bar.className = barCss; = "absolute"; _bar.onmousedown = function (evt) { _self._initMoveSlider(evt); } } }, createBox:function () { with (this) {//创建用于显示和输入的框 _box = this.parent.document.createElement("INPUT"); _box.type = "text"; _wrapper.appendChild(_box); = targetId + "_box"; _box.className = boxCss; = "absolute"; _box.maxLength = (max + '').length; _box.value = _value; //事件绑定 _box.onclick = function () { if (this.value != '' && this.value != 'undefined' && this.value != null) { _value = parseInt(this.value); } }; _box.onkeydown = function (evt) { evt = (evt) ? evt : ((window.event) ? window.event : null); if (evt.keyCode == 13) { this.blur(); } if (evt.keyCode == 38) //键盘控制: 上--加 { var iNum = parseInt(this.value, 10) + step; iNum = iNum > max ? max : iNum; //判断是否越界 this.value = iNum; } //键盘控制: 下--减 if (evt.keyCode == 40) { var iNum = parseInt(this.value, 10) - step; iNum = iNum < min ? min : iNum; //判断是否越界 this.value = iNum; } }; _box.onkeyup = function (evt) { if (this.value != '' && this.value != 'undefined' && this.value != null) { var temValue = parseInt(this.value, 10); if (/^[1-9]\d*|0$/.test(temValue)) { //非负整数判断 this.value = temValue; //输入框赋值 } else { this.value = min; //赋值最小值 } } }; _box.onblur = function () { var temValue = parseInt(this.value, 10); if (/^[1-9]\d*|0$/.test(temValue)) { //非负整数判断 temValue = temValue > max ? max : temValue < min ? min : temValue; //判断是否越界 if ((temValue % step) != 0) { //满足步长 temValue = (parseInt(temValue / step) + 1) * step; } this.value = temValue; wsetValue(temValue); //滑动条赋值 } else { this.value = min; //赋值最小值 wsetValue(min); } fireChange(); //执行外部回调函数 fireEnd(); }; } }, /* setValue0: function (n) { with(this) { if (!_bar) return; n = _Number(Number(n)); n = n>max?max:n max ? max : n < min ? min : n; = Math.round((n - min) * ((_slider.offsetWidth - _bar.offsetWidth) / (max - min))) + "px"; _value = n; if (bBox) { _box.value = _value; }//将输入框赋值add by tangzz } }, getValue:function () { return this._Number(this._value); }, setTitle:function (tips) { this._bar.title = tips; this._target.title = tips; }, fireStart:function () {; }, fireChange:function () {; }, fireEnd:function () {; }, _createSlider:function () { with (this) { _wrapper = this.parent.document.createElement("DIV"); _target.appendChild(_wrapper); = targetId + "_wrapper"; = "relative"; _slider = this.parent.document.createElement("DIV"); _wrapper.appendChild(_slider); = targetId + "_slider"; _slider.className = sliderCss; = "absolute"; createBar(); if (bBox) { createBox(); } //需要显示的,则创建add by tangzz var _self = this; _slider.onclick = function (evt) { _self._moveTo(evt); } } }, _moveTo:function (evt) { with (this) { evt = evt ? evt : this.parent.event; var x = evt.clientX - getElCoordinate(_slider).left - Math.round(_bar.offsetWidth / 2); x = _coordsX(x); _value = Math.round(x / ((_slider.offsetWidth - _bar.offsetWidth) / (max - min)) + min); if ((_value % step) != 0) { _value = (parseInt(_value / step) + 1) * step; } x = Math.ceil((_value - min) * ((_slider.offsetWidth - _bar.offsetWidth) / (max - min))); = x + "px"; if (bBox) { _box.value = getValue(); }//添加改变的值到输入框 add by tangzz fireChange(); fireEnd(); } }, _coordsX:function (x) { with (this) { x = _Number(x); x = x <= _slider.offsetLeft ? _slider.offsetLeft : x >= _slider.offsetLeft + _slider.offsetWidth - _bar.offsetWidth ? _slider.offsetLeft + _slider.offsetWidth - _bar.offsetWidth : x; return x; } }, _coordsY:function (y) { with (this) { } }, _Number:function (n) { return isNaN(n) ? 0 : n; }, _initMoveSlider:function (evt) { with (this) { evt = evt ? evt : this.parent.event; var _self = this; _bar.slider_x = evt.clientX - _bar.offsetLeft; fireStart(); this.parent.document.onmousemove = function (evt) { _self._changeHandle(evt); } this.parent.document.onmouseup = function (evt) { _self._endHandle(evt); } } }, _changeHandle:function (evt) { with (this) { if ( == "none") { _endHandle(evt); return; } parent.getSelection ? parent.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : parent.document.selection.empty(); evt = evt ? evt : this.parent.event; var x = evt.clientX - _bar.slider_x; x = _coordsX(x); _value = Math.round(x / ((_slider.offsetWidth - _bar.offsetWidth) / (max - min)) + min); if ((_value % step) != 0) { _value = (parseInt(_value / step) + 1) * step; } x = Math.ceil((_value - min) * ((_slider.offsetWidth - _bar.offsetWidth) / (max - min))); /*if(x)*/ { = _Number(x) + "px"; if (bBox) { setTimeout(function () { _box.value = _value; }, 1) }//添加改变的值到输入框,这里加setTimeout解决消息堵塞问题 add by tangzz fireChange(); } /*else { _endHandle(); }*/ } }, _endHandle:function (evt) { with (this) { //Release event this.parent.document.onmousemove = null; this.parent.document.onmouseup = null; fireEnd(); } } }